
Otayan’s Curry Udon

Soft Kyoto-style udon in a flavorful blend of Japanese broth and curry sauce.

カレーきつねうどん 1,000

Curry Udon with sweet and savory deep-fried tofu 1,000

Curry udon topped with sweet and savory deep-fried tofu.

Food Ingredients:Udon. thin sliced deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion

釜玉カレーきつねうどん 1,100

Kama-Dama Curry Kitsune Udon 1,100

We mix firm udon with raw egg and pour curry sauce over. The topping is deep-fried tofu.

Food Ingredients:Hen’s egg, udon, beef, thin shoe deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion

カレー鳥うどん 1,050

Curry Chicken Udon 1,050

Chicken is added to the curry udon.

Food Ingredients:Udon, chicken, scallion/green onion

カレー鳥とじうどん 1,150

Curry Chicken Bound Udon 1,150

Curry Udon topped with chicken and creamy scrambled egg.

Food Ingredients:Udon, chicken, scallion/green onion, hen’s egg 

カレー肉うどん 1,050

Curry udon with beef 1,050

Beef is added to the curry.

Food Ingredients:Udon, beef, scallion/green onion

カレー鳥きつねうどん 1,100

Curry Chicken Kitsune Udon 1,100

Curry udon with Chicken and deep-fried Tofu .

Food Ingredients:Udon, chicken, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion

カレー肉きつねうどん 1,100

Curry Meat Kitsune Udon 1,100

Curry udon with beef and deep-fried tofu.

Food Ingredients:Udon ,thinly sliced beef, deep fried tofu, scallion/green onion

カレーゆばうどん 1,300

Curry Tofu skin Udon 1,300

Cuury udon with rich tofu skin.

Food Ingredients:Udon, yuba (tofu skin), scallion/green onion

カレー和牛油かすうどん 1,300

Curry Wagyu fried intestines Udon 1,300

Wagyu fat is added to the curry.

Food Ingredients:Udon, beet organ meat, scallion/green onion

Otayan’s Dashi (Broth) Udon

We are passionate about the use of Shouwa’s legendary 1941 Dashi broth.

はいからうどん 800

Haikara Udon 800

The ingredients are Kujo green onions and tempura scraps.

Food Ingredients:Udon, tenkasu (tempura scraps), scallion/green onion

玉子とじうどん 900

Egg Bound Udon 900

Kujo green onions are bound with eggs.

Food Ingredients:Udon, hen’s egg, scallion/green onion

とろろ昆布うどん 900

Grated Yam Kelp Udon 900

Fish cake, Green onions, and grated Yam Kelp are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, shaved dry kelp, scallion/green onion, kamaboko (bolled lish paste) 

梅うどん 900

Plum Udon 900

Fish cake, Green onions, and grated Yam, Plum paste are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, pickled ume& kamaboko (boiled fish pasta) 

きつねうどん 950

Kitsune Udon 950

Kujo green onions and deep-fried Tofu are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion

鳥うどん 1,000

Chicken Udon 1,000

Kujo green onions and chicken are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, chicken, scallion green onion

肉うどん 1,000

Meat Udon 1,000

Kujo green onions and beef are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, beef, scallion/green onion

鳥きつねうどん 1,050

Chicken Kitsune Udon 1,050

Kujo green onions, chicken, and deep-fried Tofu are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, chicken, thin slice deep-filed tofu, scallion/green onion

肉きつねうどん 1,050

Meat Kitsune Udon 1,050

Kujo green onions, beef, and deep-fried Tofu are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, beef, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion

きんぴら肉ごぼううどん 1,050

Kinpira (sautéd and simmered) Meat Braised Burdock Root Udon 1,050

Kujo green onions and Kinpira meat braised Burdock root are added in.

Food Ingredients:Udon, beef, burdock, scallion/green onion

Starchy Sauce Udon

けいらんうどん 950

Keiran Udon 950

Dashi broth Udon is bound with eggs.

Food Ingredients:Udon, hen’s egg, scallion/green onion, ginger.

あんかけきつねうどん 1,000

Starchy Sauce Kitsune Udon 1,000

Deep-fried tofu with Kyoto-style Dashi to create a Starchy sauce.

Food Ingredients:Udon, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion, ginger

あんかけゆばうどん 1,100

Starchy Sauce Tofu Skin Udon 1,100

Tofu skin with Kyoto-style Dashi to create a Starchy sauce.

Food Ingredients:Udon, yuba (tofu skin), scallion/Green onion, ginger

Set meal

[Weekday Lunch Special] Udon Set Meal of the day +300 Yen for noodle portion of your liking

⚫︎With an additional 300 Yen with the noodle item of your choice from the menu, you can make it into a set meal.
⚫︎The items that come with the Set Meal change each day.
⚫︎On Saturday・Sunday・Holidays we do not serve Set Meals.

Rice Bowl

Toppings are added on top of the rice.

玉子丼 900

Egg Rice Bowl 900

Eggs are added on top of the rice.

Food Ingredients:Rice, hen’s egg, scallion/green onion, nori

きつね丼 850

Kitsune Rice Bowl 850

Deep-fried Tofu is added on top of the rice.

Food Ingredients:Rice, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion, nori

衣笠丼 950

Kinugasa Rice Bowl 950

Deep-fried Tofu and Green onions are added on top of the rice.

Food Ingredients:Rice, hen’s egg, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion, nori 

親子丼 1,000

Oyako Rice Bowl 1,000

Kujo green onions and chicken are bound with eggs.

Food Ingredients:Rice, chicken, hen’s egg, scallion/green onion, nori

他人丼 1,000

Tanin Rice Bowl 1,000

Kujo green onions and beef are bound with eggs.

Food Ingredients:Rice, beef, hen’s egg, scallion/green onion, nori

カレー丼 950

Curry Rice Bowl 950

Curry, with the use of Kyoto-style Dashi, on top of a rice bowl.

Food Ingredients:Rice, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion

肉カレー丼 1,050

Meat Curry Rice Bowl 1,050

Curry with meat inside.

Food Ingredients:Rice, beef, scallion/green onion


⚫︎For our store’s rice, we use Shiga Prefecture’s Omi rice.
⚫︎For our store’s green onions, we use Kyoto-grown, Kujo green onions.

ちりめん山椒ごはん 400

Chirimen Pepper Rice 400

Small dried sardines sprinkled on top of rice.

Food Ingredients:Rice, boiled and dried baby sardine

ごはん小 150

Rice Small 150

Food Ingredients:Rice

ごはん中 200

Rice Medium 200

Food Ingredients:Rice

ごはん大 250

Rice Large 250

Food Ingredients:Rice

いなり寿司(1個) 100

(Inari Sushi) Deep-fried Tofu Sushi (1 piece) 100

Food Ingredients:Rice, thin slice deep-fried tofu

Kyoto-style Curry Dipping Noodles

Enjoy this dish by dipping the cold noodles into the curry sauce.

カレーつけ麺(肉なし) 1,000

Curry Dipping Noodles (No meat) 1,000

Food Ingredients:Udon, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion, nori

ピリ辛肉ごぼうカレーつけ麺 1,150

Spicy Meat Burdock Root Curry Dipping Noodles 1,150

Cold udon with warm broth made from the use of carefully selected beef.

Food Ingredients:Udon, thin slice deep-fried tofu, scallion/green onion, beef, burdock, nori

Chilled Udon

Kyoto-style Dashi with Cold noodle soup on top of Udon.

甘きつねぶっかけうどん 900

Sweet Kitsune Bukkake Udon 900

Sweet Kitsune and Tempura scraps are added on top.

Food Ingredients:Udon, thin slice deep fried tofu, scallion/green onion, tenkasu (tempura scraps), nori, ginger

きんぴら肉ごぼうぶっかけうどん 1,050

Kinpira Meat Burdock Root Bukkake Udon 1,050

Kinpira Meat Burdock Root and Tempura scraps are added on top.

Food Ingredients:Udon, burdock, beef, scallion/green onion, white sesame

ざるうどん 800

Zaru Udon 800

Enjoy this dish by dipping the cold noodles into the noodle soup.

Food Ingredients:Udon, scallion/green onion, nori

梅とろろざるうどん 1,050

Plum Grated Yam Zaru Udon 1,050

With the Zaru Udon comes Japanese grated yam and plum paste.

Food Ingredients:Udon, pickled ume, Japanese yam, scallion green onion, nori

甘きつねぶっかけカレーうどん 1,150

Sweet Kitsune Bukkake Curry Udon 1,150

Side Items

Side Items that go with an alcoholic beverage.

枝豆 300

Green Peas 300

We boil green soybeans and sprinkle salt on top.

Food Ingredients:Edamame

冷奴 300

Cold Tofu 300

This is cold Tofu.

Food Ingredients:Scallion/green onion, tofu, ginger

蛸わさ 500

Octopus Wasabi 500

This is octopus with Wasabi aroma.

小松菜ナムル 500

Mustard Spinach Namul-style 500

A Japanese dish of mustard spinach with garlic.

コーンバター 300

Corn Butter 300

Corn fried with butter.

Food Ingredients:Corn

しめじバター焼き 500

Grilled Buttered Shimeji Mushroom 500

Fried Shimeji mushroom with the aroma of butter that spreads.

しめじあんかけ豆腐 500

Shimeji Mushroom Starchy Sauce Tofu 500

This dish is a creamy, Shimeji starchy sauce added on top of deep-fried Tofu.

九条ネギとおあげ炒め 600

Kujo Green Onion and Deep-Fried Tofu Stir-Fry 600

Long green onion and deep-fried Tofu stir-fried together in Dashi.

ピリ辛肉ごぼう 500

Spicy Meat Burdock Root 500

Beef and burdock root is prepared Kinpira-style. (Spicy)

鶏もも甘辛焼き 600

Chicken Thigh Sweet and Spicy Grilled 600

This dish is long green onion and chicken thigh fried together in a sweet and spicy sauce.

鶏ももと小松菜のにんにく炒め 600

Chicken Thigh and Mustard Spinach Garlic Stir-Fry 600

Chicken thigh and mustard spinach are fried together with garlic.

Fried Items・Grilled Items

ポテトフライ 450

Potato Fries 450

Fried potatoes

Food Ingredients:Potato

ごぼうチップス 550

Burdock Root Chips 550

This dish is thinly sliced burdock root deep-fried in oil.

Food Ingredients:Burdock

するめの天ぷら 500

Dried Squid Tempura 500

Enjoy this dish of squid leg Tempura with soy sauce mayonnaise.

とうもろこしの唐揚げ 500

Corn Karaage (Deep-Fried) 500

This is corn fried in oil.

揚げ出し豆腐 500

Agedashi Tofu 500

This is Tofu fried in oil.

鶏の天ぷら 600

Chicken Tempura 600

若鶏の唐揚げ 600

Young Chicken Karaage 600

This is Chicken fried in oil.

Food Ingredients:Chicken, thigh

なんこつ唐揚げ 500

Cartilage Karaage 500

This dish is chicken cartilage deep-fried. The crunchy texture will get you hooked.

Food Ingredients:Chicken,cartilage

タコの唐揚げ 550

Octopus Karaage 550

This is octopus fried in oil.

Food Ingredients:Oclopus

Beer, Alcohol beverages

生ビール 650

Tap Beer 650

This is Asahi’s barrel draft beer.

瓶ビール〈アサヒスーパードライ〉 650

Bottled Beer {Asahi Super Dry} 650

Bottled Beer {Asahi}

瓶ビール〈キリンラガー〉 650

Bottled Beer {Kirin Lager} 650

Bottled Beer {Kirin}

ノンアルコールビール〈アサヒドライゼロ〉 450

Non Alchohol Beer {Asahi Dry Zero} 450

Contains no alcohol.

ハイボール〈角〉 550

Highball {Kaku} 550

Suntory’s Kaku Whiskey is cut with carbonated water.

ハイボール〈ジムビーム〉 550

Highball {JimBeam} 550

Santory’s Jim Beam whiskey is cut with carbonated water.

レモンサワー 550

Lemon Sour 550

Lemon liqueur is cut with carbonated water.

梅酒〈奥武蔵のにごり梅酒〉 600

Umeshu (Plum Wine) {Okumusashi’s aged Umeshu} 600

Plum Wine (You can choose from Rock・Soda・Cut with water.)

焼酎〈芋・黒蔵の神〉 550

Shochu {Potato・God of Kurokura} 550

This Sake was made with potatoes.

焼酎〈麦・いいちこ深薫〉 550

Shochu {Barley・Iichiko Shinkun} 550

This Sake was made with barley.

清酒〈松竹梅 豪快 辛口〉冷・熱 600

Seishu {ShouChikuBai Hearty Spicy} Chilled・Heated 600

Japanese Sake (Please choose from chilled, room temperature, or heated.)

Soft Drinks

There is no alcohol in these drinks.

オレンジジュース 350

Orange Juice 350

コーラ 350

Cola 350

ラムネ 400

Ramune (Japanese carbonated soft drink) 400